Aqua Childrens’ Homes was formed with a great goal in mind: to be a light of hope and compassion for society’s most vulnerable members—the children. Aqua Childrens’ Homes is a subsidiary of Aqua Robson Care Ltd.
We were founded in response to the demand for Childrens’ residential homes in the local areas of Essex. The commissioners were having challenges to find local residential Childrens homes locally, thus the idea of a place where these little souls may find peace, caring, and possibilities to develop despite their difficult circumstances was born. Our holding company, Aqua Robson Care Ltd, being based in Essex we were best placed to provide residential Childrens home to meet the demands for placements.

Aqua Childrens’ Homes was formed with a great goal in mind: to be a light of hope and compassion for society’s most vulnerable members—the children. Aqua Childrens’ Homes is a subsidiary of Aqua Robson Care Ltd.
We were founded in response to the demand for children’s residential homes in the local areas of Essex. The commissioners were having challenges to find local residential Childrens homes locally, thus the idea of a place where these little souls may find peace, caring, and possibilities to develop despite their difficult circumstances was born. Our holding company, Aqua Robson Care Ltd, being based in Essex we were best placed to provide residential Childrens home to meet the demands for placements.
Aqua Childrens’ Homes offers a comprehensive approach to child development under the supervision of a trained team of specialists. Each child is paired with a kind carer who functions as a mentor, friend, and role model. Carers make certain that each child receives individual attention, emotional support, and a sense of belonging.
Aqua Children’s Homes is not just concerned with the children that live inside its doors. We actively work with community organisations, government agencies, and volunteers to campaign for all children’s rights and well-being. We aspire to establish a supportive environment for children across the city and beyond via awareness campaigns, fundraising events, and collaborations.
Quality care:
Providing high-quality care that satisfies the children’s physical, emotional, and educational requirements
Unconditional love:
Providing unconditional love and support to all children while fostering a caring and safe environment
Being powerful champions for children’s rights and well-being, ensuring their voices are heard.